Call centers in Estonia offer solutions for person-to-person telemarketing or customer support. Just like any other type of business here, when you open a call center in Estonia, you will have to establish a dedicated finance and business management plan, a target client base and the workers who will actually effectuate the phone calls.
The service rendered by a telemarketing company depend on the domain in which the business activates. Direct marketing as a way of selling includes telemarketing services. In Estonia, direct sales, as well as mail order sales are registering a continuous growth over the last few years.
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In what manner to open a call center in Estonia
When opening a call center in Estonia, one must consider setting up a business entity first. The most commonly met business entity opened by foreign investors in the country is the limited liability company. For this type of company registration in Estonia, the foreign investors should take the following steps:
• Choose a name for the company;
• Register an office by the shareholders;
• Register a business address to receive business mail;
• A minimum share capital of EUR 7,500 must be set down by the investors;
• Write the Articles of Association and the Memorandum of Association;
• Roll the company with the Commercial Register in Estonia. Our Estonian company formation advisors can provide further details on this registration;
• Register with the Register of Economic Activities as stipulated by the law;
• Submit for VAT payment.
Aspects regarding opening a call center in Estonia
If you intend to open a call center in Estonia, you have to be aware that such a business must be supplied with the necessary technology and equipment to effectuate and manage the phone calls. Different specific software, as well as storage solutions will be required. The space in which the call center will operate in will depend on how many employees the call center will begin with.
In case you are interested in setting up a call center in Estonia, we invite you to get in touch with our company formation professionals in Estonia for further assistance and guidance.